These are my favourite albums of 2011. I'm not saying they are the best, merely the ones I've listened to and enjoyed the most. --- 1. Glasvegas - Euphoric /// Heartbreak \\\ --- --- 2. PJ Harvey - Let England Shake --- --- 3. Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die But You Will --- --- 4. Cold Cave - Cherish The Light Years --- --- 5. True Widow - As High As The Highest Heavens And From The Center To The Circumference Of The Earth --- --- 6. Austra - Feel It Break --- --- 7. Anna Calvi - Anna Calvi --- --- 8. The Horrors - Skying --- --- 9. Zola Jesus - Conatus --- --- 10. EMA - Past Life Martyred Saints --- --- 11. White Lies - Ritual --- --- 12. Chelsea Wolfe - Apokalypsis --- --- 13. Eddie Vedder - Ukelele Songs --- --- 14. WU LYF - Go Tell Fire To The Mountain --- --- 15. Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes --- --- And I don't really like the album that much, but this is my favourite single and video of the year She Wants Revenge - Take the World --- But mostly I've been listening ...
of no specific waterways relevance...